Sandra day o connor young
Sandra day o connor young

The halls of the Supreme Court seem far removed from Arizona's remote Lazy B. Senate, Senator Edward Kennedy declared, "Americans can be proud this day as we put one more 'men only' sign behind us." Sandra Day O'Connor was to become the 102nd justice, but only the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court (the 107th justice would be Ruth Bader Ginsburg ). "She is truly a 'person for all seasons,'" said President Ronald Reagan on July 7, 1981, upon nominating Sandra Day O'Connor to be a Supreme Court justice, "possessing those unique qualities of temperament, fairness, intellectual capacity and devotion to the public good which have characterized the 101 'brethren' who have preceded her." Not since George Washington named the first Supreme Court justice had a "non-brethren" served on America's highest tribunal. Ranch while attending school in Lordsburg, New Mexico (1943) returned to El Paso to attend Radford School (1944) after leaving Radford School, attended Austin High School in El Paso until graduating (1946) graduated Stanford University (1950) graduated Stanford University Law School (1952) admitted to the California bar (1952) served as deputy county attorney in San Mateo, California (1952–53) moved to Frankfurt, Germany (1953) and served as a civilian lawyer for the Quartermaster Corps admitted to Arizona bar (1957) practiced law in Maryvale, Arizona (1958–60) served as Arizona's assistant attorney general (1965–69) served as a member of the Arizona state senate (1969–75) elected senate majority leader (1972) elected and served as Maricopa County judge (1975–79) served as Arizona Court of Appeals judge (1979–81) confirmed as U.S. Lived with her maternal grandmother in El Paso, Texas (1935–43) returned to Lazy B. Day (a rancher) and Ada May (Wilkey) Day attended Radford School, a private institution in El Paso, Texas graduated from El Paso's Austin High School in 1946 graduated magna cum laude from Stanford University, 1950 Stanford Law School, LL.B., 1952 married John Jay O'Connor III (a lawyer), on Decemchildren: Scott, Brian, and Jay.

sandra day o connor young

Born Sandra Day on March 26, 1930, in El Paso, Texas daughter of Harry A.

Sandra day o connor young